Vote Brigading: Linking to other posts within reddit requires the prefix of "np.".Link Shorteners: Any comments/posts containing link shorteners (e.g.Illegal Content: Any posts or content that is itself illegal.(c) Posts containing racist or otherwise inflammatory material towards a particular group of people. (b) Personally attacking other users of this subreddit. Harassment: (a) Posting material for the sole purpose of inflaming the users of this subreddit.Bloggers and Sellers view this page to see what you can and cannot do. (b) Posts for the sole purpose of soliciting business for private interests. Spam: (a) Any posting, including self-posts, links, and comments, posted to this subreddit for the primary purpose of getting pagehits for personal blogs, e.g.Content Not Applicable: Any post that does not relate to (a) the carrying of a weapon in a legal manner or (b) any post that does not relate to self-defense.
r/GunHolsterClassifieds (Buy/Sell/Trade Holsters)Ĭontent breaking the rules below are at the discretion of the mods to remove.(Carry Weapon) (Carry location/style/holster) Reddit users can interpret the law, but by no means should you consider those opinions as law.

Legal questions should always be asked to a lawyer outside of reddit for a binding answer. Please read the FAQĭisclaimer: Do not take any legal advice from /r/ccw.

The CCW (concealed carry weapons) subreddit is a community about sharing articles, tips, and links about various topics that address CCW.